

Wabi Sabi – Relational Awareness: Mondays, 7-8pm Eastern US

Refine your awareness of your own experience and your awareness of other people, in relationship. An opportunity to pay exquisite attention to what happens within us with other people – and to be with other people in that exquisite attention, too. Builds on meditation and circling practices. A slower, presence-based practice. I describe the basic practice of Relational Awareness in a video here.

Register for July Wabi Sabi – Relational Awareness Sessions
Register for August Wabi Sabi – Relational Awareness Sessions

Kintsugi – Relational Cultivation: Fridays, 1-3pm Eastern US

Cultivate new patterns of being with ourselves and each other. Practice new relational grooves. Finding more meaningful ways of being together. A facilitated space to relate to each other in more exciting and fulfilling ways. If there are things you wish you could experience with other people, but find yourself held back – this is a space to practice freeing yourself, and allowing yourself to be with others in deeper connection. A spicier, action-based practice.

Register for July Kintsugi – Relational Cultivation Sessions
Register for August Kintsugi – Relational Cultivation Sessions


Newcomers: First session is free! Come try it out and see if you like it. First monthly pass is $75.
Monthly Pass (includes all Wabi Sabi and Kintsugi sessions): $100-$150 sliding scale
Wabi Sabi Drop-In: $15-$25 sliding scale
Kintsugi Drop-In: $25-45 sliding scale

Payment via venmo @sofiajeannecaring (message me if you’d like to pay via paypal or crypto)

You can sign up for updates here.

One-on-One Work

Working individually is powerful. There is a depth of focus, and of unfolding, that can be difficult to achieve in a group. If you would like to work with me individually, you can send me a message, or book a session. If you are wondering about my style or how I work, I encourage you to drop in for a group session. You are welcome to simply observe, although I will likely encourage you to participate as well. If you are new to my work, we can also schedule a 15-minute call with me to see if you like the vibe. In general, individual sessions cover topics such as working with relational patterns, owning desire, increasing emotional sovereignty, relational play, nondual relational practice, developing superpowers, and disentangling meaning structures.

Individual sessions are $200 per session, or $900 for five sessions.

Anti-Fragile Heart Retreat 2025

For the past four years, I have co-led a beautiful, awe-inspiring, and deeply impactful retreat each summer called the Anti-Fragile Heart Retreat. In 2024, it took place in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. You can learn more about the 2024 retreat at and you can listen to a conversation about the retreat here. If you feel called to be part of future versions of this retreat, you can join the waitlist for 2025 here.

If you’d like to further support my work, you can become a patron at or contribute via venmo @sofiajeannecaring